Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Inexpensive Way of Home Cleaning

When you think about home cleaning, the expense first comes in your mind. You think about how much you need to spend on home cleaning or what amount of money is required for this cleaning? If you hire professional cleaners for your home cleaning your budget will be increased, while if you clean your home by own yourself it will be inexpensive for you.

What do you need to do for your home cleaning? You just have to visit a market and buy some detergents and cleaning products from there. Now, there is a point what detergents and cleaning products you should buy for easy cleaning? The answer is very simple, you have to buy a bar of natural soap as laundry detergent, while for toilet bowl cleaner you need to purchase tee tree oil, baking soda and white vinegar. These items are very cheap and anyone of you can afford it.

Be sure, these items are natural and do not have any reaction once mixed with natural tap or boiled water.
Lets move towards the point about how to clean your home. Start moping and vacuum on carpets and floors. Clean the surface of kitchen, living room, dining room, bed room and porch area of your home. Once you are done with surface cleaning move towards toilet and bathrooms. If you think cleaning of toilet bowl is difficult to do for you, get easy way like add baking soda inside the bowl, then add few drops of tea tree oil into it and at the end pour some white vinegar you will see the cleaning power of these products in few minutes when you pour water and do flush.  Your toilet will be 100% cleaned.

Now washing time comes, when you have to wash all clothes of your home members. Add natural soap bar into water, boil water and melt the soap, add baking soda into it till it get completely mixed. You will feel the great smell when you get this mixture. Add load of laundry into water and get cleaned clothes. Did you see how naturally you make home cleaning and even you did not spend lot of money? Use natural and inexpensive ways for your home cleaning


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